Hardwood Collections

Product code: PAVA6DELR Species: European White Oak - Natural Grain Brushed Description: 7/16" x 6" Carton Size: 27.5 sf Janka...
Product code: PAVA6BISO Species: European White Oak - Natural Grain Brushed Description: 7/16" x 6" Carton Size: 27.5 sf Janka...
Product code: POBI96SH Species: Birch - Distressed Description: 3/8" x 6 1/2" Carton Size: 23.64 sf Janka Rating:...
Product code: COBI95RB old and new is CRBI95RB  Species: Birch - Hand Scraped Description: 3/8" x 5" Carton...
Product code: COBI95SH the old and the new is CRBI95SH Species: Birch - Hand Scraped Description: 3/8" x...
$ 137.23 USD
$ 96.69 USD